Bishop Carroll Classic

2018 — Wichita, KS/US

        You and your debaters are invited to the November 3, 2018, Bishop Carroll Classic Debate Tournament. We are hosting a non-case-list novice division and a junior varsity division. This is a KSHSAA event. 

        There are five rounds, starting at 8, 9:30, and 11 a.m., and at 1:15 and 2:45 p.m. The top three teams in each division receive plaques.  

        New entries are due October 27, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. Entries are $5. We are asking schools to provide a judge for every four teams entered. 

        Based on experience already suffered by our squad, all judges will be cautioned not to impose their political opinions on debaters during after-round comments. It is fundamentally unfair to ask debaters on the negative to defend a status quo which a judge might happen to dislike, and then expect those debaters to remain captive in the room as the judge expresses himself or herself. To the extent a judge must bring political opinions to bear in policy debate, the judge’s expressions should be limited to the written ballot. 

Thank you, John Andra, Bishop Carroll Debate